Cool Tools for Cool Living
Burlington County Library Staff Day
Futurist Faith Popcorn says that "Time is the new money". Ain't it the truth! In this program you will learn about cool web-based tools, sometimes called "life hacks", that can save some of your valuable time, help you manage information overload, get more organized, work more efficiently, and maybe even have some fun while you're doing it!
PETE's tools (Go to Pete's Tools Page for annotations)
( Screenshots available on Slideshare )
Yahoo Calendar: My personal reminder service!
Doodle:Scheduling and Polling made easy!
YouSendit /Senduit: Send huge files without freezing up their email, or taking down your network!
SimplyHeadlines: Get customized news, blog posts, weather, photos -- anything with an RSS feed-- delivered as a customized newspaper to your email!!
Portable Apps : Now you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your bookmarks, settings, email and more with you. Use them on any Windows computer. All without leaving any personal data behind.
FURL Great web-based bookmark site. "Find, Save, Share!"
Meebo : Integrate all of your IM accounts. Let's people without an account IM you through "meebo me" widget.
Citebite: Easily link directly to a quote in a webpage.
Remember The Milk: Web-based Task Manager. Taking to-do lists to the next level!
- Reader's Advisory, quick and fun!
Zoho: A free suite of web-based applications. Don't have MS Office? No worries! Spreadsheets, Documents, Presentation software is all here for free--and documents can be imported/exported from/to Microsoft programs.
JANIE'S tools (annotations forthcoming)
Jott: Consider this to be Voice Mail 2.0. Instead of texting, use Jott from any phone to call a toll-free number and have a spoken note transcribed, texted, e-mailed to yourself or anyone else you choose. Great for leaving email messages while on the go or sending to your blog while on the road.
Tada: Create, Share, and Store "to do" lists for everything from your Christmas shopping to daily task list. Easy to update and accessible from any computer.
CoziCentral: A calendar servcie designed for busy families. Assign a color code to each family member to easily keep track of schedules. You can also leave messages and create shopping lists.
Zamzar: Easily and quickly convert files from one format to another without the need for software. Convert text, images, video, and sound files and then have the conversion emailed for downloading.
Slideshare: Think of it as YouTube for PowerPoint. A great place to share your own presentations or to view what others have posted.
Weebly: Create a web site by dropping and dragging the elements you need and then selecting from a template to dress it up. No need to know html and they will even host it for your for free.
Goog411: Dial 1-800-GOOG-411( 1-800-466-4411) from any phone to be connected directly to a business for no charge! This is 411 service enhanced. Just say the name and location to be put through in flash.
Google Docs: Wordprocessing, spreadsheets and presentations can all be created and shared at the online office suite that will soon rival products that cost many hundreds of dollars. Best of all, you can colloborate with colleagues on a document and have revisions archived
Picnik: A photoediting site that not only allows you to crop and remove red-eye, but also use an array of filters and special effects. You can synch it up with your photosharing services (such as flickr).
Pandora: Personalized streaming music stations that you can listen to while you work (we all need to destress somehow).
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